Monday, October 13, 2008


Again I am doing a double post mainly updates from the outside (I really haven't taken more of the inside)

In the following pictures you will see the outside is DONE!

Pictures taken October 8, 2008

Front is DONE! Siding painted!

Front door painted (see I told you it wouldn't be white............) I love the arch!

Garage doors painted too! Looks good with the color of the house.

Shutters brown (to match the front door). We went with very earthy colors..............

See they have started the landscaping..............

Here is the second set of pictures (about 4 days after the above ones)

Pictures taken October 13, 2008

Look closely and tell me what you see............

(sorry the pictures are small, Rob took them with his phone and I am too tired to change them right now)


Check back soon we are going to be moving soon!!!!!

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