Again it's been 10 days (or so) since my last post, we go visit the house almost everyday (once or twice) but sometimes there is nothing to post about or anything worth taking a picture but I do have some here not a ton but your gonna notice some pretty cool things going on..............
Pictures taken September 22, 2008
All from the downstairs...........
HURRAY! We have granite countertops (again they are covered with plastic since that still are painting) and see in the back.....a MICROWAVE
Here is a little closer shot of the granite I love the color (it has a mix of light brown like our sofa and some grey speck like the walls will be ). Looks good!
Guest bathroom wood floors , pedestal sink . Nice!
This is our (one of our) GREEN contributions it's a tankless water heater (our house is Energy Star compliant)
Just a little info on that one and why we chose it:
- Energy savings of up to 60%Save up to 60% on our monthly water heating costs
- Enjoy endless showers, we can enjoy long hot showers, shower after shower, after shower.
- The water is heated instantly, on demand (less waste of water waiting for it to heat up)
- The tankless water heater is capable of supplying all the hot water our home needs
- It's environmentally friendly by using the tankless water heater you will be saving energy. By consuming less energy you are contributing to the overall savings of non-renewable and renewable energy sources
And the list goes on but I won' t bore you , we just thought it was good investment.
Now from the upstairs:
This is our bathroom separate tub and shower not huge but good size for us.
This is my laundry room (you know where it is?) UPSTAIRS ! HURRAY!!!!!! I am painting it yellow (make it a happy spot, since I HATE doing laundry)
And are youready for this one.........

They are putting up STONE in the front. It looks soooooo good! and we love it!
Come back soon, I will.............