Ok so Despite the fact that we have a bigger house we have lots of "Stuff" and not much built in storage.
So what is one to do? Well build some overhead garage storage.......................yep you heard it right.
Rob has spent 2 of the last weekends building storage in the garage (that is small even though the rest of the house is big ? (weird)
Even though I haven't posted about most of the other stuff we've done and the holidays were here (I posted about that in my other blog) I have to share the fruits of Rob's work..........
Here's the start:

here is a faraway shot

Here is a closeup

We will be putting all our Christmas stuff up here (I know we have the attic, but these boxes are SUPER heavy and the attic door in smallish and only Rob and myself to unload them...............trust me it can be dangerous..............)
So here you go.....all filled up with our Christmas stuff.......................
NICE JOB! I love having a handyman !
Thanks Rob

and of course he had to build himself a little workbench, now we just have to arrange the rest of the garage. Soon! Really!

That's it, I will post a few pictures of the remainder of the house later in the week. Of course only of the parts that are decent enough to show!
I will be working hard to get this house in order so just hang on with me (I need the encouragement, ok?)