Seems like we have a second story and it's staring to look like a house and now I can see how it all fits.......
Pictures taken July 31, 2008

That's all I hav for now, keep comming back, ok?
Well that's all for now.............Check back soon for more updates.
See back there no more dirt, they have placed the plastic barrier and are ready to pour the concrete.
A close-up of our entryway.
NOTE ADDED: Here we discovered that the front of the house would be a little different that what we thought (we had a misunderstanding with our sales agent, went to talk to her and got it cleared) and although it's different than what we thought (no little porch) I really think we are going to like it...................
Close up of what will eventually be the entrance and "formal" living room area. HMMMMM I think we are going to need more furniture...............
Well stay tuned (the next post "should" be a CONCRETE one................
This picture was taken from the side looking towards our street.....
Gravel put in for the trucks to back up
This is taken from the back looking out at our street, see the pipes for (kitchen?)
Man I keep telling Rob I just don't see how our house is going to fit here ......I have no perception without walls...................
Stay tuned now things should keep moving and we should have changes posted pretty often.